Finding Your Spirituality

Helpful Tips For Seeking Comfort In God When You're Mourning The Death Of A Loved One

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Now that you have recently lost a loved one, you might be experiencing a lot of pain and hardship. Because of this, you might be looking for ways that you can get a little bit of comfort during this difficult time. These are some of the things that you can focus on if you are hoping to seek comfort in God during this time in your life. Meet With a Religious Leader…

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Are You A Pastor During The Pandemic? 2 Ways To Safely Have Church Services

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If you are a pastor, then you likely have a dilemma. You want people to come to church but you do not want people getting the virus. Fortunately, there are still ways you can have service safely. Below are two of these ways so you can start getting things set up. Virtual Worship Service  One way to have church is using virtual worship. First, decide on the platform you want to use for your services.…

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4 Things You'll Learn In An Online Course About Biblical Prophecy

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Christianity is a beautiful religion that focuses on the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. While all branches of Christianity are centered around Jesus, the various Christian denominations are not uniform in their beliefs. For example, Pentecostals and other continuationists believe that the spiritual gifts God gave Christians in Biblical times continue to this day. One of these gifts is the gift of prophecy. The act of prophesying may not be intuitive, but an online class on Bible prophecy can help you understand and utilize your gift to the fullest extent.…

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